Schedule Mapping Page of the Integration Wizard-MS Project

Use this page to define how the schedule fields from MS Project are mapped to the Cobra project.

Note: This page displays if you are importing project data.

Project Keys

Use this tab to define how project fields map to the schedule.

If you are importing data into an existing project, the labels and Cobra validation files on this tab are based on the project properties for the selected project. Any control account or work package fields that are not defined in the project are hidden.

When creating a new project, the labels and validation files are based on the project template defined on the General tab of the Application Preferences dialog box. If a project template is not defined, the fields are based on the system defaults for new projects.

Column Description
Schedule Field
Use this column to map the fields in the schedule to their corresponding Cobra fields. Click to select a value for each of the fields below:
  • WBS: This field is required.
  • OBS
  • WP_NO.: This field is required.
  • Milestone
  • CAM: This field displays only when you select Code Assignments and User Fields on the Action Selection page.
  • WP Manager

The values in these fields depend on the date field selected for Baseline and Forecast as well as the scheduling tool from which you are importing.

You cannot import using the CA3 field unless a template project that defines this field is used or if you are importing into an existing project with this field defined.

When you import data from any date field, the following values are available in the Control Account 1-3, Work Package, Milestone, and CAM fields:
  • User Text
  • WBS
  • Outline Control
  • Activity ID
Cobra File Used for Validation

When importing data, if the project has specified a code file, all codes in the schedule must be in the validating code file. The code files selected for validation are displayed in this column. The fields that are not being validated.

When creating a new project, use this column to define the Cobra file to be assigned to the key field in Cobra. If the template does not have the required fields defined, the fields are enabled. Click to select a file against which each key for new projects is validated.

Note: Cobra does not validate the Milestone field.
Resource Name
This field displays only when importing data from Microsoft Project Server. Use this field to select the resource field from the following:
  • Resource Name: This is the resource name defined in MSP and is the default value being loaded.
  • Code: This loads values from the Code field on the General tab of the Resource Information dialog box in MSP.
  • Resource Text Fields: Any resource-level custom fields with the type “Text” and have values assigned to resources in the MSP project are displayed in the list. This will display both Project- and Enterprise-level code fields.
  • Resource Outline Codes: Any resource-level outline code custom fields that have values assigned to resources in the MSP Project are shown in the list. The list displays Project- and Enterprise-level code fields.

    All resources with the same field value and the same work package mapping will be aggregated into a single resource in Cobra by a class. If you are loading a resource at the Control Account (CA)-level class, the resources will be aggregated at the CA level.

Control Account Codes

Use this tab to map imported data to codes in the Control Account field. This tab displays a grid with rows representing the code assignments associated with the selected project.

When you create a new project, the codes defined on the project template display in the grid. If code is not defined for the selected project or if you are creating a new project where template is not defined, an error message displays stating that there are no control account codes defined for the project.

Column Description

When you import into an existing project, the prompts configured on the Control Account Codes tab on the Fields tab of the Project Properties dialog box are displayed in the grid.

Schedule Field

Use this column to map fields in the schedule that contain the code assignment. You can either click to select a schedule field, or enter the name of the schedule field. When you select an invalid schedule field, Cobra displays an error.

If codes are assigned to the project, make sure that Code Assignments and User Fields on the Action Selection page of the Integration Wizard is selected.

Work Package Codes

Use this tab to map imported data to codes in the Work Package field. This tab displays a grid with rows representing the code assignments associated with the selected project.

When you create a new project, the codes defined in the template project are displayed in the grid. If code is not defined for the selected project or if you are creating a new project where template is not defined, an error message displays stating that there are no work package codes defined for the project.

Column Description

When you import into an existing project, the prompts configured on the Work Package Codes tab on the Fields tab of the Project Properties dialog box are displayed in the grid.

Schedule Field

Use this column to map fields in the schedule that contain the code assignment. You can either click to select a schedule field, or enter the name of the schedule field. When you select an invalid schedule field, Cobra displays an error.

If codes are assigned to the project, make sure that Code Assignments and User Fields on the Action Selection page of the Integration Wizard is selected.

Resource Assignment Codes

Use this tab to map imported data to the codes in the Resource Assignment field. This tab displays a grid with rows representing the code assignments associated with the selected project. Use this tab to import user character fields from a schedule into a resource assignment code in Cobra.

If a default template is defined on the General tab of the Application Preferences dialog box and you select the Create a new project checkbox, and specify a new project name in the Cobra Project field on the Project Selection page of the Integration Wizard, Cobra will validate all the required fields based on the default template project. Otherwise, Cobra will not perform any validations.

If you use an existing project on the Project Selection page of the Integration Wizard, that is, the Create a new project checkbox is not selected, Cobra will validate all the required code fields based on the configured project properties of the selected project.

Column Description

When you import into an existing project, the prompts configured on the Resource Assignment Codes tab on the Fields tab of the Project Properties dialog box are displayed in the grid.

Schedule Field

Use this column to map fields in the schedule that contain the code assignment. You can either click to select a schedule field, or enter the name of the schedule field. When you select an invalid schedule field, Cobra displays an error.

If codes are assigned to the project, make sure that Code Assignments and User Fields and Resource Assignments on the Action Selection page of the Integration Wizard are selected.

User Fields

Use this tab to map schedule fields to the Cobra user fields.

Column Description
Cobra User Field

This column displays the list of the Cobra user fields.

Schedule Field

Use this column to select a schedule field to map against the Cobra user field. You can either click to select a schedule field or enter the name of the schedule field.

  • The User Character Fields [1-10] Lookup dialog box displays only text code fields defined in the schedule.
  • The User Number Fields [1-10] Lookup dialog box displays only numeric code fields defined in the schedule.
  • The User Date Fields [1-10] Lookup dialog box displays only date code fields defined in the schedule.

The User Field grid displays only if you select Code Assignments and User Fields on the Action Selection page of the Integration Wizard.

Note: You must first run the required script to display User Character Fields [6-10], User Number Fields [6-10], or User Date Fields [6-10]. Refer to Additional User Fields for instructions on how to configure Cobra to use these additional fields.
User Character Fields can be mapped to the following:
  • Code fields with the type Text
  • Code fields with the type Outline Code
  • Enterprise Outline Fields: This only applies to MSP Server integration.
  • Enterprise Text Fields
  • Flag Fields
User Date Fields can be mapped to the following:
  • Code fields with the type Date
  • Code fields with the type Start
  • Code fields with the type Finish
  • Enterprise code fields with the type Date, Start, or Finish
User Number Fields can be mapped to the following:
  • Code fields with the type Number
  • Code fields with the type Cost
  • Enterprise code fields with the type Number or Cost